
Before installation, your server must have following requirements to run the script properly

PHP v8.1
  • PHP Mbstring Extension
  • PHP PDO Extension
  • PHP FileInfo Extension
  • PHP JSON Extension
  • PHP CURL Extension
  • PHP ZipArchive Extension
  • PHP symlink() function
  • PHP shell_exec() function
  • PHP file_get_contents() function
  • Support for MySQL v5.7
  • Apache Server Recommended (nginx configuration and installation up to you, we don't provide support on that)

Text Streaming Setup

After installation, if you don't see text streaming, configure following:

1 - In the php.ini file of your hosting provider, set:
2 - output_buffering = On
3 - or set it as:
4 - output_buffering = 4096
5 - Check both options, whichever works for your hosting, it is the only requirement for text streaming.